A safe and legal transfer programme to Europe, promoting social inclusion based on a solidarity network, composed of Private Sponsors and Promoters widely spread on the territory.
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Humanitarian Corridors were created by the Italian Community of Sant’Egidio, the Waldesian Church and the Evangelical Churches in Italy.
Humanitarian Corridors aim at providing an answer to the many refugees who are fleeing situations of war and poverty in several countries.
They address people potentially entitled to international protection and in vulnerable condition as defined by European Directive
Humanitarian corridors procedures, how it works.
Potential beneficiaries are reported by UNHCR, UNRWA, IOM, Red Cross, NGOs, Associations, religious communities and relatives/friends who have already benefited from the Corridors.
It starts from the signature and entry into force of the Declaration of Commitment. A list of Sponsors that will host the Beneficiaries is drafted operators responsible for receptions are designed.
Coordinators and sponsors check identity, prepare travel documents and request for international protection.
Asylum application process/ international protection and residence permit/travel document.
Of humanitarian corridors in the framework of the private sponsorship scheme.
Promoters/Coordinators hold the responsibility to select and support the beneficiaries in the place of residence. (e.g., a refugee camp) cooperating with their operators in site and local authorities.
Sponsors actively support and monitor the migrants in fulfilling the tasks provided by the Programme, with special attention to school attendance and job search.
Beneficiaries are selected among people in condition of danger or particular suffering in their place of residence.
HUMCore project aims at fostering integration of third-country nationals in need of protection thanks to the improvement of the procedures and practices of the Humanitarian Corridors (HC), a Private Sponsorship Scheme (PSS) operating since 2016.
By involving 9 EU countries and combining the review analysis of the aspects of HC specifically linked to integration with capacity building activities addressed to the sponsors, HUMCORE aims at getting an enhanced scheme offering a better integration.
Starting from the experience of partners involved in the implementation of HC, HUMCORE evolves towards a major spreading of HC into the entire EU, also engaging countries not yet implementing HC, but interested by migration as well, from different sectors.